Making PCS Easier for Kids: PCS Tips for Military Moves

PCS moves are an inevitable part of military life, and for children, a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) can be a whirlwind of emotions, blending excitement and uncertainty. As parents, your proactive steps play a pivotal role in shaping how your children perceive and adapt to the transition. Let’s delve into strategies that not only make PCS moving smoother but also turn it into a positive and enriching adventure for your little ones.

Early Communication is Key in PCS Moving

The foundation for a successful PCS move starts with early communication. The moment you receive PCS orders, sit down with your children and initiate an open and honest conversation about the upcoming relocation. This early engagement provides them with the essential time needed to process the idea of military moves and bid farewell to friends.

Choosing Housing Near Schools

Selecting housing near a suitable school is a strategic decision that significantly contributes to your child's sense of stability and familiarity during a PCS move. Consider various factors such as academic programs, extracurricular activities, and the overall school culture. This thoughtful choice helps ease the adjustment period for your child, ensuring a seamless daily routine during PCS moves. Military Facebook groups are a great place to ask other military families about their experience with schools in the area.

Connecting to Youth Programs During Military Moves

Youth programs, both on and off-base, play a crucial role in your child's social and extracurricular activities during a PCS. Engaging in these programs provides opportunities for making new friends, participating in activities, and establishing connections within the community. These connections become the building blocks for a positive and enriching experience during military moves.

Maintaining Open Communication and Reassurance During PCS

Maintaining open communication with your children throughout the PCS transition is crucial. Patience is key as you answer their questions, address concerns, and involve them in the research of their new school and surroundings. Reassure them that, despite the change in address, the constants in life, such as love and family, remain unwavering during a PCS.

Assigning Tasks for Involvement in PCS Moves

Empower your children by involving them in various aspects of the PCS moving process. Older children can actively participate in planning, such as searching for new houses online or researching fun activities at the new installation. Younger children can contribute by packing their own first day box, fostering a sense of participation and ownership in the PCS move.

Enjoying Favorite Things and Places Before PCS

Before bidding farewell to your current location, take the time to revisit your family's favorite places. Whether it's a local park, a beloved frozen yogurt shop, or another cherished spot, these outings can become precious memories. Consider incorporating a piece of these memories into your new home to provide a sense of continuity during PCS moves.

Experiencing Something New During Military Moves

Encourage your children to embrace the excitement of change by planning to experience something new in your future home. Use maps to show them where you're headed, and involve them in researching and exploring the unique places near your new residence. This proactive approach helps your children see the PCS move as an opportunity for exploration and discovery during military moves.

Navigating Change Together

In essence, by implementing these PCS tips, you embark on a journey to transform the PCS experience into a positive and enriching adventure for your children. These intentional steps not only help them navigate change successfully but also foster resilience and adaptability, ensuring they thrive in their new environment. Take advantage of PCS entitlements to make the move smoother, and remember that military moves are a chance for growth and new experiences.


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